Scientific Activity

Research Activities

Students willing to carry out research have an opportunity to work and develop their skills in supportive environment created at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Graduates who achieved high results in studying can try themselves in postgraduate education.

The faculty has gone a long way towards the formation of its typological school “Germanistics, Typology, Comparative Studies of Vocabulary and Word-Formation” led by Volodymyr Kaliushchenko, the professor and former dean of the faculty. The school was the first to have been created in Ukraine and is still one of the leading in providing education for specialists and preparing PhDs. Over a period of 20 years 5 doctoral theses and a large number of PhD theses have been defended under the supervision of Volodymyr Kaliushchenko.

Since 1998 various scientific papers have been published in “Typology of Linguistic Meaning in Diachronic and Comparative Aspects” and “Scientific Journal of Studia Germanica et Romanica: Foreign Languages. World Literature. Methods of Teaching”. The Annual International Linguistic Seminar “Comparative Studies and Typology in Modern Linguistic Science: Achievements and Problems” has been replaced by large-scale scientific trainings of the staff of the Department of German Philology as well as various forums and conferences financially supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Bochum. All that ensured research cooperation with scientists from Germany.

Since 1996 the Annual Inter-University Student Conference “Comparative Studies of Germanic and Romanic Languages and Literatures” with further publication of students’ scientific papers has been conducted at the faculty. Students get diplomas of winners and promotional diplomas at the All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Works Competition, and win prizes at the All-Ukrainian Student Competitions in Foreign Languages. Since 2002 a number of published students’ papers have exceeded 300.

Training and internships abroad are provided for the faculty members to raise their qualification. Faculty staff works upon individual research, participate in conferences and scientific seminars while undertaking their internships at the academic institutions of the EU and CIS countries.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages supports concurrent studies at higher education institutions of Germany, the UK, the USA, Denmark, and France.

Faculty’s current conferences are:

1) The All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference «Актуальні питання вивчення германських, романських і слов’янських мов і літератур та методики викладання іноземних мов» (Topical Issues of Humanities, Technical and Natural Sciences), January 25, 2021;

2) The University Scientific Student Conference «Зіставне вивчення германських, романських і слов’янських мов і літератур» (Comparative Studies of Germanic, Romance and Slavic Languages and Literatures), April 12-13, 2021.

Типологія мовних значень у діахронічному та зіставному аспектах

Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції

“Сучасні дослідження мови та літератури”

Матеріали Міжвузівської наукової студентської конференції

“Зіставне вивчення германських, романських і слов’янських мов і літератур”


Збірник матеріалів конференції «Topical Issues of Humanities, Technical and Natural Sciences»
(Всеукраїнської конференції у 2016, 2017, міжнародної – у 2018 р.)